Professor, Moohyun Yoon
1982 : B.S in Physics, Korea University
1986 : Ph.D in Physics, University of Manittoba
1986-1987 : Research Associate, Princeton University
1987-1988 : Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory
1988-1992 : Assistant Professor, POSTECH
1992-present: Professor, POSTECH
- Specialty: Particle Accelerator Physics
Beam Dynamics Study and Development
Major Publications
Design study for Axial Injection of Polarized Ions into the Princeton
University Cyclotron,
S.Oh, M.Yoon and W.H. Moore, IEEE Trans. on Nucl. Sci.,
NS-32, No.5(1985) 3033-3035.
Analysis of the Magnetic Field and Studies of the Beam Dynamics for H Ions
in the University of Manitoba Cyclotron,
Moohyun Yoon and Saewoong Oh, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A264, (1988) 135-148.
A Study for the Design of the New N=1 Central Regison of the Princeton University AVF Cyclotron,
Moohyun Yoon and Saewoong Oh, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. A254, (1987) 477-486
Effects of Vibration in Storage Ring of Pohang Light Source,
Moohyn Yoon, Jinhyuk Choi and Taeyeon Lee, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33 (1994) 2768-2773.
Department of Physics, POSTECH
HyoJa-Dong San 31
KyungBuk Pohang, Korea, 790-784