Professor, Jae-mo Park


    1988 - B. S. in Electronic Engineering, Seoul National University
    1990 - M. S. in Physics, Seoul National University
    1997 - PH. D. in Physics, California Institue of Technology


    1997 - 2000 : Postdoctoral fellow, Institute for Advanced Study
    2000 - 2001 : Postdoctoral fellow, University of Pennsylvania
    2001 - present: Professor, POSTECH

Research Interests

    Nonperturbative aspects of string and M-theory
    Supersymmetric field theory
    Physics of black holes

Major Publication

    1. "Small instanton transition in heterotic M-theory," B. Ovrut, T. Pantev and J. Park, Journal of high energy physics 0005 (2000) 045
    2. "Orientifolding the conifold," R. Rabadan, J. Park and A. Uranga, Nuclear Physics B 570 (2000) 3
    3. "World volume action of the M-theory five-brane," M. Aganagic, J. Park, C. Popescu and J. Schwarz, Nuclear Physics B 496 (1997)
    4. "Strings on orientifolds," A. dabholkar and J. Park, Nuclear Physics B 477 (1996) 701

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