• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움

Quantum control of light and matters


" Light can be used not only to see objects but also to control matters and light-induced phenomena. In recent years, the ability to control quantum mechanical dynamics by applying interaction with shaped laser field, known as coherent control or quantum control, has attracted significant interest in many research fields. In particular, quantum control with ultrafast lights has been applied to selective chemical reactions, multi-photon microscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, and the optimization of light-matter interaction. In this talk, I will present newly developed multi-dimensional Fourier-transform coherent control spectroscopy, along with strong-field coherent control experiments with alkali atoms, after a general introduction to quantum control.

[1] S. Lee, J. Lim, J. Ahn, V. Hakobyan, and S. Guerin, ""Strong-field two-level two-photon transition by phase shaping,"" Physical Review A 82, 023408 (2010). [2] J. Lim, J. Kim, S. Lee, and J. Ahn, ""Coherent transients mimicked by two-photon coherent control of three-level system,"" "