• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움

PHYSICS Colloquium


제목: Spin Reorientation and Dynamics in Nanoferromagnetic Thin

연사: 신성철[KAIST]size=+0>

size=+0>일시: 2007 년 4 월 6 일 오후 3시
장소: 무은재 기념관 307호 (멀티미디어 강의실)

size=+0>Today we stand on the verge of
a spintronics revolution, where spin-dependent new phenomena will be not only
explained but exploited in novel devices. Thus, upcoming challenges in magnetism
research include the manipulation of new magnetic materials and structures at
the exchange-interaction scales and also, to understand and utilize the
implication of the novel phenomena.
In this talk I will present the
highlights of spin reorientation and spin dynamics phenomena in nanothin
ferromagnetic systems discovered by means of in-situ submonolayer-sensitive
vector magnetometry, a magneto-optical microscope magnetometer (MOMM) capable of
grabbing domain reversal patterns in real time, a pump-probe Kerr microscopy
enabling ultrafast spin dynamics study with 10 fs time resolution. In
particular, the discussion will be focused on 2nd-order spin reorientation
transition, reversible spin switching via magnetoelastic coupling, Barkhausen
critical scaling behavior observed at 100 ms regime, and precessional motion of
spins at sub-ns regime.

size=+0>문의처: 이성익(054-279-2073, href=mailto:silee@postech.ac.kr>silee@postech.ac.kr)
