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  • 새소식

물리학과 특별세미나 개최 안내

페이지 정보

2016.11.24 / 2,026


물리학과 특별세미나 개최 안내

1. 연사: 송재원 박사 (University of California at San Diego)

2. 일시: 2016. 11. 29(), 오후 4

3. 장소: 공학3201(세미나실)

4. 제목: New Structures in Quantum Field Theories


Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is a universal language in theoretical physics, ranging from particle physics, condensed-matter physics and cosmology. The success of QFT in the 20th century stems from the power of perturbation theory. But many of the most important questions arise from strong-coupling dynamics, where the perturbation theory is inapplicable. Therefore the challenge is to develop novel tools to understand the strong-coupling physics. In this talk, we will discuss some of the recent attempts towards understanding non-perturbative aspects of QFT. We will focus on two lines of developments: The first one is the geometric correspondence of supersymmetric theories. It not only helps us to understand the structure of the space of QFTs in an intuitive way but also provides a powerful computational tool. Secondly, we will discuss some approaches to unveil the hidden symmetry structure, which provides a new insight and tools for the quantitative understanding of the strong-coupling physics.


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Total : 731
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